so i had my MRI on Tues 9th aug and yesterday got called back by hospital to have more pics done of thoracic area, had 2nd one today and as i got out the machine the person asked me if i had MS, i replied i was being tested hence the MRI and why?I asked if he had seen something on this one or prev results and he replied im not allowed to discuss, WHY ASK ME AND LEAVE ME HANGING, what do i make of this, thoughts anyone???
Hi Flappy I had similar happen to me, I have MS and when I had 2nd MRI they asked me questions as I was leaving. They wanted to know what I thought I had and symptoms but couldn’t tell me why they wanted to know. I think it is to do with building there report and checking to see why your back for a second mri so soon. They obviously see previous reports and it probably say suspicion of MS or X?? But it is very unnerving. Try to keep calm worrying will make symptoms worse. You will be fine whatever happens it just annoying I know. Andy
After my MRI in October last year I was told, by my MS nurse that the neurologist was discussing the pictures with a neuro-radiologist. No, I’d never heard of one either. Apparently it took the combined resources of two specialists to determine what they were looking at.
I’ve got a copy of mine on a CD (£5. It cost the NHS about £2,500). There are over 500 images, with many of the same part of the nervous system, but with different settings. It’s complicated.
We should be reassured that they are taking time over it. But it seems unprofessional of the operator to ask that question at that stage. Perhaps you should mention to the hospital.
not really been worried about diagnosis before, im of the thinkling what will be will be, but this weekend since MRI i have been very tearful, i cried at calamity Jane film sat afternoon despite seeing this film 100s of times and never crying before, also at v festival footage when i realised i would never again be the person up dancing all day, i have also felt all weekend that im on here fraudulently as i don’t know what’s wrong with me yet.
i know im just being over emotional but i think its finally got me worried after what radiologist said
im gonna mention it to the neurologist when he calls me in for the results, its really upset me for the weekend was burying my head in sand before but this has brought a lot of feelings to the surface, i got the impression they were bank staff they didn’t have the usual uniform, and were definitely not as friendly whilst in machine explaining things to me like they were on the previous occasion. pretty much left to it in there for 30 mins.