The uphill battle

What is it with exercise… it’s supposed to be good for you, promote energy and wellbeing, keep your spirits up and your weight down (yeh right… :roll_eyes:).

The medical profession all wax lyrical about how beneficial exercise is, so why don’t I feel better for it then?

Whenever I’ve exerted myself beyond what I can normally manage, I just feel totally and utterly shattered, as well as being in considerable pain; and I’m not talking about anything particularly strenuous here, just walking - and it can take me several days to recover.


It can be all those things, but the key is finding a form of exercise that suits you best. Getting a physio assessment is probably a good move, because any exercise programme will be based on what you feel comfortable with.
Don’t be too hard on yourself if it takes a while before noticing any benefit, as exercise tends not to be a quick fix.

Exercise and MS | MS Trust


I recognise your feelings, so rather than stopping doing exercise, I will do “silly” small amounts. I think it is really important to move my limbs and to give what used to pass for muscles a bit of work. Fatigue and difficulty make it very easy to just sit or lie down but in my opinion that wont do me any favours. Equally if I do too much I feel absolutely horrendous, so I have tried to learn to listen and only do a little bit and not feel daft if that is only 5 minutes. After many years I am slowly getting better at judging the sensible limits. I have to stop but leave enough energy for a couple of chores. I also no longer feel guilty when I do decide to stay in bed for a day so that I might have enough energy for the next day. I think the medical professionals have good knowledge and intentions but do not have your experience, so it is up to you to try and find the right balance for you.
Good luck


I feel exactly the same as you, i either do to much or not enough exercise and struggle to find the balance right. Infact a fortnight ago I was really pleased with what I’d managed to do in the day that I tripped over my own foot and went arse over tit with a bang to the head on the way down :worried: I just can’t seem to get it right, Angie :heart:


sorry about the fall, so blinking (?) frustrating, the balance between not enough and too much is difficult to judge and for me varies daily if not more frequently! If I struggle to understand it, how on earth can others? All part of these challenging conditions. Hope you are not too damaged by your fall and that you keep trying to get it right. Even a tiny victory is a victory. All the best

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Thankyou, a lovely bruise on the side of my head and got a bit of a fright but like we all do picked myself up(literally) and told myself to be more careful and learn when to stop, take care. Angie :heart:

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I get that when I’ve overdone the physiotherapy exercises, every morning; the trick is less is more tbh.
I find just walking too strenuous for me nowadays so, I’ve substituted it with doing single step-ups; it works for me.
Hope you find the exercise-rest balance, keep up the good work.

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