
Just wanted to pop on and thank the Admins and users for there advice a while ago I am in a flat now getting lots of help of the British legion and yesterday was registered partially sighted so helps on the way for that and I start rebif tomorrow thanks again for your support

Hi Jason,

That’s SO good to hear. It was me who you communicated with- and while it made me very sad that you were having such a tough time- it’s brilliant that you’re now dowin okay- and things are working out for you.

For some reason your message got hidden somewhere in the back of the sustem- and I’ve only just found it, but it’s made my day!

Kind regards

Stewart (admin)

Thanks for posting this Jason.

Thanks from me too, especially Stewart, whose messages kept me sane when I was almost throwingm y computer out of the window in desperation. All sorted now though.


Shazzie xx