hey everyone, i havent said it in a while, but thankyou to everyone who have helped and supported me and helped me sort out fact from fiction with things that i have been told, this is the best site i have ever come across with alot of friendly and helpful people, i hope that others that have just joined find the help and support from everyone that i have found, so thankyou very much
Hi, yes I also hope that newbies to these boards are settling in too.
Please do not be put off by some recent argie bargie that went on. These types of bovver are very rare.
We are a happy bunch of folk, who need each other in times of stress and are thankful we found this site.
luv Pollx
that dont bother me, i think everyone needs to blow off steam, there shud be a thread where you can blow off steam instead of it causing fites in other threads, that way you can get it out ur system and its done then, it shud be respectfully done where you dont get jumped on