Taking Gabapentin and Amitriptyline

I’ve got RRMS(apparently I’ve always had it. Symptoms started in 2013 finally diagnosed in 2018)currently awaiting results of latest brain mri to see if I’m now in SP…
I’m not eligible for DMT’s but take Baclofen for stiffness, 30mg Amitriptyline for nerve pain. I get intermittent sleepless nights with pain,pulling through my legs which the consultant has stared is Restless Legs and has prescribed 300mg Gabapentin.
Having done some research online about taking both meds it’s made me really nervous to start taking the Gabapentin. But, after another bad night I’m leaning towards taking them.
Does anyone else take both Amitriptyline and Gabapentin?
If so, how do you get on with them ? How much time between taking one do you take the other ?

Thank you in advance for reading my message….

I’ve taken Amitriptyline and Gabapentin for years, no issues. Currently on Gabapentin 900mg 3 times a day and 75mg Amitriptyline at night.

Did try 1200mg 3x a day but didn’t feel good that high so went back to 900mg and we increased Amitriptyline from 50mg, then, kupto 75mg. That was 2/3 years ago.

My sister went on Amitriptyline years ago and only at 10mg and she couldn’t stand it so got perscribed something else.

Bottomline is some people just don’t get on with certain drugs. You won’t know till you try.

Same goes for the Disease Modifying Treatments. They can work great for some but not all.

Hi Ali,

I’m on Gabapentin now as Amytriptyline didn’t suit me. I have to say it’s helped with my pain a lot and I don’t have any side effects so far, it’s been nearly a month so I guess I would have seen anything by now.
As @BazzaBongo says you won’t know until you try.

Good luck - hope all goes well and it helps you.

Many thanks both, I shall give it a go and see how I get on…

I’ve been on Gabapentin and Amitriptyline for 10 years - I can take up to 2,700 mg of Gabapentin but I currently take 1,800 mg Gabapentin (3 x 600 mg - morning, afternoon and at bedtime) and have reduced to 10 mg of amitriptyline, which I take late afternoon/early evening - when I first started taking it I was advised to take it 12 hours before I needed to be awake (if you need to be awake by 6 am, take the Ami at 6 pm).

This combo works well for me.

Hi Theresa

Thank you for sharing your experience, it’s interesting to hear how different meds work together.