Symptoms but no diagnosis. Nothing shows on MRI. What should I do now?

Hi everyone, this is my first post here, although I have read several from other people.

I am looking to see what others think regarding my symptoms as I am unsure what is ‘typical’ for MS.

Earlier this year I started having issues with my vision, where my vision would go blurred and on one occasion I had double vision but only for like 10 seconds. I have had several occasions where I become dizzy and it feels as though my head is ‘wobbly’. I don’t know how to describe it, my head/vision won’t be ‘shaking’ but it just feels wobbly and like I am unbalanced. One day I was feeling unwell, I became lightheaded and dizzy at work and was sent home. On my way home, my left arm went dead. I could not lift it or move it. I could still feel if someone pinched me for example, but it was like a numb feeling where sensation was reduced. After about 5 hours of it being like this, I was able to very slowly start moving it. Following this, I experienced tingling, numbness (but not completely numb, like the reduced sensations kind of feeling), a burning sensation and prickliness in my left arm, hand, fingers for 7 weeks on and off (but most of every day). During this 7 weeks I also had the same sensations with my left leg and foot, my right foot and my right arm, hand and fingers. These were not as often as in my left arm but could be just as strong. I also sometimes experienced reduced feeling and numbness in the right side of my head, around my eye area and upper cheek.

This all lasted 7 weeks where I had these symptoms on and off but for most of the day, every day for 7 weeks. Now I am still occasionally getting some tingling in my left arm, hand and fingers, but it is not as strong as before and only lasts around 30 minutes.

GP did blood tests and nothing came up apart from mild low levels of vitamin D. They spoke to a neurologist who said to send me for MRI scans of my head and whole spine.

I have only recently got my results for the scans, and everything seems normal, apart from early disc desiccation in my spine. It does not mention anything about lesions and I do not have any compressed nerves.

The GP has said if the scans are normal then I won’t be referred to neurology.

I don’t know what to think or do. I’m not sure if I should push being referred as I don’t have any answers for what is happening/happened to me. Surely the symptoms were being caused by something, which they originally thought could be MS.

My question as I am unsure, is would symptoms come and go like mine? Or is that not typical of MS?

Also, I have seen other posts where people say their scans didn’t show anything but a lumbar puncture did.

Do you think it is worth me pushing for a referral to try and find some answers as others have had clear scans originally too? Or do I just wait and see if anything else happens in future/if I get another flair up of these symptoms?

Sorry for rambling, I just don’t know what to think about everything.

Thank you for your time if you managed to make it to the end haha.

Hi there.
Mmm, we know when something isnt right with our own bodies, dont we?

So if you keep a symptom diary and ask for a refrral to a neuro, I dont see why you shouldnt get one.

A lot of your issues sound MS like…but other things could be to blame.

I took 22 years to diagnose my PPMSand it was typical PPMS right from the onset…but nothing showed on tests.

Hang in there chick

Hi Bouds,

Thank you for taking the time to read and reply! 22 years, wow, that is so long and must have been very difficult for you. I hope you have some kind of peace and help now hopefully.

Thank you for the advice, I have to wait until the new year to speak with the GP again but I will discuss it with him and hope they will refer me, as I’m sure the waiting list is over a year currently anyway for neurology here.

I hope you have a lovely Christmas (if you celebrate) and new year x

Hi there.

Glad to hear you’re getting another appointment with your GP to talk things through. As your GP has already spoken with the neurology who advised a thorough MRI scan and they have come back clear, they are extremely unlikely to give a neurology appointment under the NHS. Ask your GP where you go from here. It may just be ‘wait and see’.

But do keep a basic symptom diary of the more concerning symptoms - when they started and how long and if they went away completely.

Hi Ziola,

Thank you for your response! Yes, I feel like it probably will just be a wait and see, which I guess has been the process for so many people on here.

Thank you for your advice, I will definitely start keeping a diary.

Hope you are keeping well and have a lovely Christmas (if you celebrate) and new year.

Hoping you have a peaceful Christmas. Bless you xx

Hello :slight_smile: did you get any further forward with a diagnosis?

Hi Paul,

It’s very funny you should ask this right now… Because my scans were okay I wasn’t referred to neurology and I was just left to it. My symptoms stopped after 8 weeks and life returned fully back to normal. I actually even started to forget it ever happened!
But just 3 weeks ago it started again. I’ve had tingling again but no issues at all with my vision this time. This time has been worse in the sense that I’ve had a lot of pain, a lot of cramping in my muscles and nerve pain. I ended up in A&E overnight, waited 14 hours just to see a doctor to tell me to go home (very frustrating when you haven’t slept all night and been sat on those hard chairs in pain :pensive:)
The GP has now referred me to neurology and have tried to push it through but I’m still waiting on when my appointment will actually be. No idea what to expect, just taking one day at a time.

I hope you are well :smiling_face:

How did you feel when all symptoms went away? Mine have been with me now for almost 4 months and they just continue and persist. I am convinced there is something underlying going on but scans prove otherwise. I am getting a second opinion from a neurologist consultant on the 11th of august and also a second opinion on my scans. I’m finding it quite hard to function at the moment with so many things happening to my body and no clue what’s going on. I sometimes think if this is how it’s going to be moving forward with no relief from anything what is the point. It’s very disturbing. I hope we can all get answers at the end of all of this. Hope you get sorted soon :slight_smile:

That sounds really difficult and I hope you can get some answers very soon! It’s so weird when they tell you nothing is wrong, but you know something is going on! I hate it because I have never been one to ever say when I don’t feel well etc, so I’ve found it hard to ask for help with this and then to be told the scans are clear etc. It makes me feel like I’m going crazy, or that the doctors think I’m crazy haha.
Last year after 8 weeks the symptoms just became less regular and then they just completely stopped. I felt completely fine for the 7 months after that, until it then started again :confused: hopefully your next appointment will go well in terms of getting some answers and some help. I will keep you in my thoughts. Good luck!

Can I ask
What was the outcome of you tests / visit to neuro? X

Hi chene_leroux, I had my neurology appointment on 1st September, it was with a junior doctor who seemed to be really helpful. He listened to me and assured me I would be sent for all the relevant tests. I left the appointment feeling really relieved that they were taking it seriously. Then about 2 hours later, he called me. He had spoken to the consultant and the consultant said I have a functional neurological disorder (FND) because nothing shown on the scan. No other tests were done and they wanted to discharge me after that 2 minute phone call. I refused to be discharged so now I have an appointment with the consultant on the 19th December. I don’t know if it will be of any use though. I’m hoping to fight for having another scan to double check there have been no changes, but I’m not very hopeful.

I hope you are okay! Im assuming you are worried and that is why you are here on this forum. If so, I hope things go smoothly for you and you get good news.

Best wishes,


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Well done, standing your ground. Eleni. Maybe your consultant’s right, but you are right to challenge him to make his case directly to you, the patient, and explain his reasoning. Good luck.

Thank you Alison, he most probably is right (hopefully so) but I just felt a bit fobbed off at the time.

Good luck with anything you’re going through and best wishes.


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Hello everyone!

May I ask what was your diagnostics at the end?

My right foot has been numbed and I have pain/cramps all over my legs (calves, hamstrings, ankles, tights) that come a goe.
Then I started having the same kind of pain on both arms and nerve trapping feeling on my elbows.

I though at first it was vein related but now I think is nerve related.
Has anybody relate to this? I feel lost. Now it feels that where I get the pain my skin jumps. Im going crazy. I have a GP appointment this week but the neurologist app are not available until March.
What exams should I ask for?
Thank u!