Still no answers......

Hi everyone…

I saw a neuro last week after seeing 2 GPs and 2 Acute Physicians. My symptoms are: tingling over whole body, headaches, dry eye in left eye (no sign of O.N.) dizziness and unsteadiness.My blood work is all clear, B12 and Vitamin D in normal range. I’ve now had 3 neurological examinations and the neuro last week stated “this is not MS” when I asked her point blank if she felt it was.She said that after the surgery I had 10 weeks ago she felt I may have had some nerve damage due to a nerve block and that my anxiety over MS is making symptoms worse.

My problem is this - I still have these symptoms and have been told there is no point in doing an MRI scan… but how can they know its not MS without scanning?? I just feel like I’m being written off :0( I know I’ve done a hell of a lot of symptom searching online but I’ve always been fit and active and these symptoms are taking over my life :0( Has anyone any ideas what to do next??

Hi everyone, i have had various symptoms now for 7 months. after MRI scans and blood tests and lumber puncture, they have discovered a couple of minor abnormalities, in keeping with inflammation and the autoimmune screen was largely negative, again there were very minor findings on one of the antibodies which was weakly postive.

later another letter appeared showing a few small areas of high signal abnormalitites in both cerebral hemispheres and one involving the corpus callosum. there is also a subtle area of signal change in the spinal cord at C3-C4. I suspect demyelination.

latest letter was results from lumber puncture, which showed a few markers of inflammation in the spinal fluid!

with my symptoms and using Google, it seems to me that I have MS! Can anyone tell me what results did you get from your scans/blood tests and LP please? As im totally confused as one lot of doctors are saying one thing and the other is saying nothing!

Thanks, looking forward to chatting with you all xxxx

Hi I also have been ill with all these symptoms now for 11mths, had MRI and that came back as non specific, I am feeling awful today very dizzy, ache all over and feel so sick!!!

I feel the neuro fobbed me off, she just told me to wait!!! FOR WHAT?

Jan x

Hi, I know, it`s hell living in limboland…been here a good while myself.

it`s interesting how some folk get their dx quite quickly, whilst others struggle on with a big fat ? on their heads for eons!

Can I ask what was the surgery for? Was it done in the hope that it would stop your symptoms or was it a completely separate issue?

luv Pollx

Hi Poll…It was a shoulder anthroposcopy with General anaesthetic and a nerve block.Had a recurring shoulder injury from a dislocation…

The symptoms started after the op…Never had anything like it previously :0( Had it done at the end of July. Had the symptoms ever since. Doctors don’t seem to think its MS but they can’t tell me what else it is either except anxiety - however, I still have the MS like symptoms although I’ve been told that MS doesn’t present like this…I think they mean that the fact that my pins and needles and numbness come and go and are in different areas and on both sides of my body, although I never seem to be completely tingle free :0( I think answers are going to be a long time coming as I’m being written off as someone with anxiety who is obsessed with MS.

Hi Beth,

There are two symptoms that bring me to start thinking outside the box. Dry eye; could be Sjorgens Syndrome’s_syndrome this causes eventually dryness all over the body.

Or Hughes Syndrome that can cause very bad continuous headaches

Get GP to get blood test.


Thanks for your response and for trying to think outside the box as the doctors I’ve seen don’t seem to be!!! I’ve had all my bloods tested George - three times!!! Do I need to ask for specific tests or will these have been done as part of the screening process???