Still here, and I’m alive

Yesterday was 8 years since my diagnosis

It was also 4 months since my birthday

So I was 35 years & 4 months, and 8 years M.S

I’ve come a long way

I remember, before I had my treatment, seeing my neurologist, and him saying ‘look at these people waiting to see me, not all of them are walking with a stick - one day that will be you’ And I laughed…scoffed at his words, because I felt like there was only one direction for me, and that was down

But he was right

I haven’t walked with a stick for 7 years

So I guess what I’m saying is, stay strong

It feels so hard and desolate in the beginning, but things can change

And here I am, 35 years old and 8 years since diagnosis and I’m still here, kicking and screaming

The future is not certain

But I feel somewhat hopeful


Hi, that is good news.You must be on the right treatment. Enjoy what you can.