stiffness and pain

hi there , just of late ive been getting really really stiff with my left arm and leg and the pain of tightening and achy , ive always felt like i could be cut in half no symptoms on my right side , only last week i was a little scared when i didnt think i could see so good whilst i was driving not sure if im just a little run down, apart from rest is there anything i could do xx i feel hopless , not been here for a while but try to cope with my family as much as i can xxx

Hi Sambo

I was just reading your post re. stabbing pains, burning pains etc etc… from November 2011. Then I saw that you had posted this one too.

Im not diagnosed yet, but I relate to every one of your symptoms :frowning: I have been ill since April. Optic Neuritis in the right eye first, then the tremors started, then ON in the left eye, blah blah blah… I could go on with a hundred symptoms but I wont bore you.

Anyway I have had a clear MRI of brain and I see the neuro again very soon for the results of spine MRI and many other tests, and hopefully diagnosis (YIKES). My wonderful GP and the neuro have already kind of braced me for the MS diagnosis.

I too feel so stiff - my right side. I am living on painkillers, and walk with the most awful limp… my right foot has recently decided to turn outwards and even if I try to straighten it, my knee looks like it is in the wrong place now! Its like my whole leg has twisted (which is really weird!).

I am not really sure why I felt compelled to post this, but I did, and I am sorry you are not feeling good at the moment, and I really hope you get well soon.

Paula xx

See if your GP will give you BACLOFEN. It is a muscle relaxant and might help you.


I suffer really badly with tight muscles, it’s affecting my sleep and has a huge impact on my life and pain levels. I’m not diagnosed, my GP is happy to perscribe me lots for all my other symptoms but not the tightness, I’m sure if he did my life and many of my symptoms would be much better, it’s so frustrating, I know just how you feel :frowning:

I suffer really badly with tight muscles, it’s affecting my sleep and has a huge impact on my life and pain levels. I’m not diagnosed, my GP is happy to perscribe me lots for all my other symptoms but not the tightness, I’m sure if he did my life and many of my symptoms would be much better, it’s so frustrating, I know just how you feel :frowning:

hi there thanks for posts am feeling a little better this morning think am going to phone my ms nurse shell probably be able to sort me trouble is when symptoms art visable they seem to brush it under the carpet a little,

was diagnosed in 2010 and it was a big shock to the system i usually go on a day to day basis i do have meds that have helped me a lot but unfortunatly of late they dont seem to help much am on copaxone which i tolerate very well and has helped a great deal with the amount of relapses i have had i take pregablin for pain and also nortryptaline they all help in theier own way thanks again for replys and hope a diagnosis soon will help although i hope its not ms xxxx