Hi everyone
I posted a question here last week, and had some really useful messages in reply. I now have my first neurology appointment booked in, so thought I’d post my story so far here, and update or ask questions as I go along. For info, I’m a 36 year old female with 3 children.
A neurology referral was recommended a few weeks a go, as I have a collection of symptoms that I don’t think can be ignored, and blood tests have now ruled out any deficiencies as being the cause of my problems.
My current symptoms include:
strange sensations down my right side, such as some numbness, heaviness, tingling and crawling feelings in right arm and right leg, tightness around upper arm and thigh, shooting pains down arm, clumsiness in right hand, tightness and pain in right shoulder and around ribs, muscle twitching.
problems with memory, concentration and thinking, which is now really affecting my job as I have a job that requires a lot of thinking through problems logically. My husband also commented recently that I do seem to be forgetting simple things a lot recently.
headaches and blurry right eye. This started about 3 weeks a go, and the headache has gone but my right eye is still blurry to varying degrees. I noticed it was particularly bad again yesterday after an exercise class.
constipation, feeling like I don’t always empty bladder completely, some extreme heart rate issues (I recently saw a cardiologist and he said I have all the signs of POTS, which means my heart rate rises excessively and I get dizzy, sweaty and breathless just from standing up).
Although this has been at its worst for the last month or so, I’ve had issues for at least 4 years when I look back. I was hospitalised with a bad throat infection 4 years a go, and after that I had a few months where I was constantly back at the GP about fatigue, tingling, pain around right side of face and jaw. At the time I had a nerve conduction test and saw an ENT but no obvious issues were found. It eventually just got better on its own.
I then woke up one morning 2 years a go with horrible lower back pain and right hip pain, and again ended up feeling constantly tired, cold, had problems with disturbed vision etc. I had an MRI of my spine and pelvis but it didn’t show anything other than minor wear and tear. Again, it eventually just got better in its own, although I do still get the odd niggles with my back and hip.
Then in December last year, I was diagnosed with multiple PEs after going to the GP with right shoulder and rib pain. I now take anticoagulants for life as it was subsequently discovered that I have a gene that makes me more prone to clotting. After the PEs, I struggled with fatigue and general achiness and was found to be low in folate and vitaminD. Despite continuing to take supplements and my levels now being fine, all the symptoms described above have developed or come back over the last couple of months.
Sorry for such a long post, but it’s useful for me to write it all down in once place, and may help others to read in the future as I update my progress.