Hi community of MS Society,
I hope you don’t mind but I just wanted to share my story with you because if I can reach my target, it will make such a difference. I am trying to raise £1000 (if not more) for MS Society by running 10k.
My mum was diagnosed with secondary progressive MS 19 years ago and since then everything about her life has changed drastically. She had to stop working and driving and within the last few years has lost the ability to walk. On top of this, she suffers from numerous infections that has seen her in and out of hospital, including Christmas & her Birthday. She has recently been discharged from hospital having somehow overcome pneumonia, despite being told twice that her condition was critical.
The furthest I have ever ran is 5k and that was a year ago! I have only ran once this year and do barely any exercise (naughty me!), so this is going to be a huge challenge for me. I have already reached just over half way towards my target. If you would like to sponsor me, please follow this link to my Just Giving webpage:- Claire Moody is fundraising for Multiple Sclerosis Society Thank you so much! Claire x