Scared of losing myself

Early days. Recently diagnosed with ppms. It seems my symptoms have come on thick and fast but very rarely do they stay. Aside from tinnitus.

I’ve read a few posts on behaviour changes due to brain lesions
I’m terririfed. My wife and kids need me. I feel I’ll be an angry god forbid violent dad or husband. Because my brain is deteriorating and I can’t regulate emotions.

I’m already becoming useless and ugh the symptoms. Feel I’ll be dead in a year.

Are you sure your inner turmoil is actually the MS or possibly panic as a secondary effect? You need to share these feelings with someone close to you, who can help you more directly.

However, on here you are at least among others who are having the same sensations to a greater or lesser extent. You’re NOT losing yourself, or else you wouldn’t be concerned about yourself - a paradox. Concentrate on the things you can still do and don’t define yourself by the things you can’t.


spot on

I know what you mean. Sadly, being terrified is part of this crap condition, try not to let that emotion take over. Anger is also a natural and reasonable response, but if you can consciously control your response to these feelings, you will save a load of valuable energy and even feel good about yourself and your ability to exercise some control. There are no easy answers but I wish you and your family all the best.

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I remember in my first meeting the neurologist asked me about personality changes. I was gobsmacked! I had no idea those kind of changes were possible!!! It was very scary and I over thought this so much. Now I realise I shouldn’t have.

Yes it is possible, but there is no point dwelling on the maybes or the could be’s, only what is. I know that sometimes I can feel flat (if that makes sense), but it is not permanent.
Perhaps being aware will make you in better control.
