I returned to work today after 16 wks off further to a relapse and during this time I began DMT with 3x weekly rebif injections. I met with occupational health last week to disucss my return to work and anything that they could do to support me. The OT suggested a phased return to work (wk 1- 1 day, wk 2 -2 days, wk 3 - 3 days etc) for 4 weeks. Prior to my relapse I already worked from home 2 days per week and after discussing the side effects I’m experiencing with the rebif injections (aches, sweats, insomnia) OT were of the opinion that an additional day working from home would be beneficial, to which I agreed. I left the meeting feeling positive that since my relapse and because of the now changes in my circumstance together with the support of my employer would be a slow but smooth transition. Today was my first day back. I arrived and discovered that my manager had not received a report from Occupational Health to detail the items discussed to date. So I advised of what was recommended. My manager spoke to his manager, who spoke to his manager. Later today I was called into a meeting with my managers manager, to be told that firstly his manager would not agree to my working from home 3 day’s and requested I continue to work from home the same 2 days per week as I had done before my relapse and before my consultant neurologist recommended I begin DMT. I was then told to “justify” why I needed the extra day… I explained how it feels on injection days together with fatigue how there are benefits to be had from working from home reducing the lengthy commute and the flexibility to start work later in the morning and work later into the evenings for when my symptoms and or side effects are at their worst. I was diagnosed 5 yrs ago after initial symptoms presented themselves the year prior. I have since my diagnosis worked from home 2 days per week to support MS related fatigue. Im shocked and disappointed at my employers attitude towards supporting or not supporting as seems to be the case, the recommendations of occupational health, due to their ignorance of my condition and treatment when I questioned as an employer should they not support me I was told it’s a balancing act between me and what’s best for the office. Has anyone come across this within the work place, does anyone have any suggestions on how I should deal with this?! Sorry it’s so long winded, hopefully it gives you a fuller understanding of what’s going on. Thanks in advance
Bump x
Hi, well because your managers manager hadnt got the report from the OH when you went back into work, you were left having to tell him what the OH said was best for you. You were definitely disadvantaged by the lateness of the report landing where it should
ve gone.
Once he actually gets that report in his hands, he can see exactly what was recommended. I dont see how he can argue with that.
It was very unfortunate that the report wasnt available BEFORE you returned to work.
If I were you, I would phone OH and tell them what has happened and how you are being denied what they recommend. After that I would ask OH to speak URGENTLY to your manager`s manager, then sit back and see what occurs. Good luck! Pollyx
Everything has grown arms and legs! !. Occupational health have changed their view on their initial recommendations after speaking with me as the head of service told HR that he does not support the proposed changes. (Phased return to work and working from home 3 day’s per wk) so occupational health have altered their recommendations to reflect that of the head of service and not what was discussed with me prior to my return to work interview! I was not aware of this until I returned home from work last week to find a letter from HR requesting a meeting with me to discuss the proposal and a copy of the report was attached! The meeting was to take place on this week, however, due to the sickness absence of my manager the meeting was cancelled. I have yet to be advised of when the meeting will take place. I have since met with occupational health and expressed concerns with regard to their motives behind changing their recommendations without prior notice and have been advised that a temporary arrangement to work from home for 3 days for a 2 month period will now be recommended, subject to this being agreeable by my head of service! Im hoping this is just one big error of judgement by what seems some ill informed managers, human resources and occupational health. But I’m so stressed and feel like im being persecuted for a request to work from for 3 days when I have already been working from home for 2 days for the last few yrs. Surely given the new course of treatment and the associated side effects, its reasonable of me to ask for this subtle change? !
Hi Jacqui
I hven’t logged on to hear for a quite a while and am feeling a little low myself at the moment, with various MS-related problems and struggling with work so decided to come on hear and have a bit of a vent, but I was really shocked and saddened to see your post come up so I just had to respond.
I’m actually union representative in my work place (Disabled Members Conveyning Officer) and I see and deal with these issues on such a regular basis. It is utterly shocking how some managers seem to be cahoots with an unfeeling and uncaring HR and OH department. From what you’ve said above am I right in thinking you work in the public sector? (Sorry it just seems from the language used, i.e. head of service, OT dept etc and the way in which you describe the “phased return” mirrors my own employer). Have you been risk assessed by Health and Safety at all? They should work hand in hand with OH and if you’re deemed to be at risk by being at work when you’re experiencing some issues in relation to the DMT side effects then they should be able to present that to OH and HR. I know it’s difficult - I’ve had issues myself and what my employers consider “reasonable” adjustments at the moment seem to be what is the least hassle for them, and again for me, it’s just HR and OH that are causing the problems and my manager seems powerless to change their mindset.
I would say definately get everything in writing, don’t have any verbal discussions without backing it up in an email/letter e.g. you have conversation with your manager or HR etc and then follow it up with an email to clarify what was discussed - start by saying something along the lines of “following our conversation on (date/time), I want to clarify the following points…” and then bullet point the main areas of the conversation.
Be honest about how the additional stress is affecting you - everything counts, whether you’re left in pain or whether you for example, end up not being able to settle in the evening after work or sleep etc. This will sound strange, but if you’re having conversations where you begin to feel discriminated against, tell them you feel you’re being discriminated against - and then if you have to say that, document it in the back up email/letter. It is amazing how employers start to listen when you use watchwords such as victimised, harrassed, discrimination etc. Are there any support groups at your work? Can you get colleagues to back you up as to how you’re affected by the additional stress of this situation?
At least you have a temporary solution and at least that is a positive in all of this. I’m by no means an expert but I’ve been doing union rep work for a couple of years now and this is the same old, same old, situation that I deal with roughly every 3-4 months in case work and it drives me utterly insane!
Good luck with everything and let me know how you get on.
Hi jacqui, occupational health should advise of the recommendations they propose and if you agree you can sign the report any changes to the report should be discussed with you prior to that change being made. As you have been diagnosed with MS you are fully covered by the equality act and the disability discrimination act. These acts advise if a company can make reasonable adjustments then they should do so! I would also suggest speaking to ACAS, they have a helpline the number can be found online. It seems to me that your employer is solely thinking of themselves and not adding you into the equation, surely one extra day working from home isnt such a massive deal! Good luck with it all but definately give ACAS a call there amazing with all things related to employment! x
Hi Would your job role impact on the managers thinking? I am going through the O/H process and they are supporting me working from home at times. My job is working directly with cases though so I know I will be limited with how often I work from home. L x
I have spoken with ACAS they advised I speak to a solicitor. I’m a surveyor and have a case load too. I am required to complete site inspections and am allocated 2 days a week do these. The proposals to work from home 3 instead of 2 days does not have an impact on this.
That’s really frustrating then. Can you think of any other reason they would object? I hope you get it sorted. It’s just a horrid stress factor that you could do without x
I really don’t know and assume it’s pain ignorance to MS together with arrogance on the manager’s part. But yes, it’s been a very stressful few week. Xx
I really don’t know and assume it’s pain ignorance to MS together with arrogance on the manager’s part. But yes, it’s been a very stressful few week. Xx