Recently diagnosed - seeking advice.

Hi all,

I’m a 22 year old, recently diagnosed with MS (Feb 2022).

I have some MS-related symptoms that I would like to seek some advice on. The symptoms are as follows:

  • Heavy legs (both legs)

  • Numbness and tingling from lower back into both legs.

  • Slight state of confusion (brain fog)

  • Very slightly impaired sight (almost dizzy) in both eyes.

My legs have been becoming slightly more painful over the past few days (dull ache).

I’m currently awaiting my first appointment at the MS clinic (Feb 2023), so haven’t be able to seek any specialist help yet. I’ve seen my GP (who admits this is beyond his level of expertise), who has prescribed me with some steroids.

My main question is - what is the typical process with these type of symptoms? Are there any preventative medications a Neurologist would prescribe me that a GP wouldn’t?

This is all very new to me and I have no bearing on what warrants a trip to A&E and what can be left alone.

Many thanks in advance.


That is quite some wait from diagnosis to seeing the MS clinic. 1 year. But not too long to wait now.

GPs can prescribe some meds to treat symptoms, but all the main treatments to slow MS progression will come through the neurology service. These are referred to as DMDs or DMTs - disease modifying drugs / treatments. Not all people with MS are given DMTs, but those with RRMS are the main group that are often offered them. Hopefully these will be discussed with you at your neurology clinic meeting, and it may be worth your while reading a bit up first.

Hopefully others can point to some good, reliable sources to read up on them.

This is the page on the MS Society website:


Hi, there are more DMDs available than when I began my MS journey, last century!

A lot of them depend on your type of MS.

I hope you find them helpful.


Many thanks both for your comments.

I’ll be sure to do some research ahead of my appointment in February. As I say, this is all so new to me, so much to learn!
