HI - I’m new to the forum and I was diagnosed in June 2022. I had a left sided stroke over 11 years ago which they now say was an MS incident. At the time I only had a CAT scan and not an MRI. Over last two years my walking has deteriorated - I could walk 8 miles now struggle with footslap, fatigue and balance issues after half a mile. Initially the neurologist said I had two bulging discs that were to blame, but assignment to a new neurologist following illness and a cancelled disc repair op let to more tests (lumbar puncture, brain and back MRI). Now I am on Baclofen and use a stick for balance plus getting a scooter. Is using a walking stick good or bad for you overall? How do people manage their fear of falling when MS symptoms kick in? Thanks
I love my hiking poles. They allow me to get much further and faster than would other be possible. And the more exercise you get, the stronger you are (well, the bits of you that still work, anyway) and the better your balance is because you’re in better shape and (therefore) the less likely you are (in theory at least) to fall over. Of course the tripping hazard of foot drop is an ever present danger, for me anyway. But on balance I think it’s fair bet to stay as physically strong and stable and mobile as you can be and hope for the best.
Ask your physio is the answer, but until you can I would suggest:
Keep upright in whatever you do;
If you only need a point of reference an extended trekking pole can be great used as a a point of reference thrust in front of you and moved when you walk past it. Can be used as the third leg of a tripod if you stop to talk etc. The use of a single stick is likely to disrupt your walking so is often not advised. The use of an outdoor rollator can keep you out there and safe. Get one that is robust adjusted to the right height and folds side to side. If you insert rollator into search facility for earlier discussions.
The most important thing is to keep on your feet and out in the world.
I use the rollator most of the time as I can go further feel safe and always have somewhere to sit!