I have been on rebif for over a year now, 22mg and still having regular relapses. I am starting the 44mg in a few weeks and just wondering if this will help or does rebif just not work for me? I have read somewhere that the 22mg should work just as well.
I started on 44mg Rebif over a year ago and it didn’t work for me. I had two relapses. I’m starting on Gilenya tomorrow and feeling very nervous about infections etc but if it stops the relapses I’m willing to risk it.
Have you considered Gilenya or Tysabri? It sounds like you meet the criteria.
Thanks JZ. Not sure if gilenya is available here (northern ireland). My nurse has not mentioned tysabri only the increase in rebif. Was meant to see my neuro in jan while I was in hospital with a relapse but he never showed and I still havnt seen him. I had an mri done and had to fight to get the report. I took it with me to my nurse who showed it to my neuro. 2 new areas of demylination so he agreed with her about the increase of rebif. Just hope it helps as I’m not getting any recovery time.
I’m also from northern Ireland and on rebuff 44, I have Been taking 44 for about 4 years. I did have a few minor relaps during the first year and a one biggie since. I have been on no other drug or level but as sure as I can be the rebuff is definitely working G
Tysbri I was told gave very sever side effect so my neurologists said that rebiff was the best in my case. I took him at his word and have never looked back. My life has changed and I look like a battered wife with the bruising but I’d advice give the 44 a go but don’t expect changes straight away. You’ll see a good difference in time…or at . Least I did, I even had some lesions disapear…your neurological sounds like a git!