In the past week I have had yet more people I know tell me about a friend/relation of their friends who “also has MS”. On questioning further then, yep, they are a) female aged 30-40, b) have periods then they “are in bed all day” but others when “they’re doing triathalons and running their local am dram” and… drum roll please…c) they have RRMS…well I never.
And I’ve just been on the Everyday living section to consider posting about exercise, the one thing helping me keep depression at bay and vaguely mobile. I slammed my computer shut after reading about yet another lass in her late 30s early 40s who feels oh so hard done by because she “goes all numb” after running 7k cross country…life’s so tough, bless her!!! (Had MS since 1995v don’t you know, no doubt been “fine for years” then probably had some random “vision issue” about 2 years but nothing since feeling numb after running for 60 minutes.
I used to run marathons, played county level sport and taught PE for a living. I have not been able to run since 2007. I am not able to earn a living from my old job anymore.
TBH, I really do feel like PPMS needs a separate website/forum/charity/whatever from the relapse brigade.
Chalk/cheese etc. I feel I would have very little to say to a RRMS sufferer if I met them.
Rant over. Apologies, am having a bad one. Have no one to identify with.