I’m trying to stay nice about this, but we (myself and others) have been through all this with you at great length already, but you’re still plugging away with the same old question.
(a) You’ve never seen a neurologist, and haven’t been diagnosed with anything. It’s quite wrong to assume you have MS, let alone PPMS, and it would be quite wrong of anybody here to agree with you, or say that you would “definitely” be paralysed (or definitely not) when we don’t know what you’ve got.
Even if you posted that you had a confirmed diagnosis of PPMS, we still couldn’t tell you what “definitely” will or won’t happen. None of us has psychic powers (that I know of) - it’s just not possible to do that. If we could tell the future, we’d all be lottery winners several times over.
(b) Despite what you seem to think, your presenting symptoms are not ten times more numerous or ten times more severe than anything most people here have gone through at some point. IF you had MS (which is a huge IF), there are no indications you are at the extreme end of the spectrum in terms of severity. I’ve put up with stuff like this for years - many here have put up with a lot worse. Funny how we’re all still around and yacking away on the computer, isn’t it? Must mean we’re not dead…or totally paralysed. Or do you believe everyone here is using eye movements to interact with the computer, Stephen Hawking-style?
A minority might be using voice recognition because of difficulty typing. But most are just “on the computer” - you know - like normal people! Because we ARE normal people, who just happen to have MS.
Please take my advice and go to the doctor about your extreme anxiety. At the moment, it’s having a greater impact on quality of life than any of your actual symptoms, which is an absurd position to be in.
Unless you update us that you have done something constructive, like approach your doctor re the anxiety, I’m afraid this will be my last post on the subject, as I cannot keep debating with someone who is “positive” they’re going to be completely paralysed, and unable to conceive of any less catastrophic outcome.
The hundreds of diagnosed people here who are not “completely paralysed” surely must give you some idea it’s not the norm?