Ppms or rrms?

Hi everyone hope you’re well I’ve got a date for my first mri scan so things are moving on As you know I’m concerned that I have ppms could you please give your opinion on my symtoms please. I had a sudden numbness in my left shoulder and arm on Christmas day It lasted for about 3 weeks then got a bit better 60% I guess. Before that I got a stabbing pain in my calf’s that lasted about 1 week. My arm is know at about 90% and my calf’s ache on and off. DOES THIS SOUND LIKE PPMS OR RRMS? Thanks everyone.

Why would you want our opinions on your symptoms?! Have you been diagnosed with ms?

Every case of ms is individual and it’s certainly not a case of, one size fits all. We’re not neurologists and it’s only him/her that can answer that, but you already know this. You can ruminate and question all and sundry until you send yourself silly! It won’t give you any answers. Even your Neuro will be unlikely to pronounce you have ppms from one mri scan. To my knowledge that can only come from observing progression of your medical condition from diagnosis, over a period of time. Nothing you can do but be patient and stay as stress free as your life permits.