Please help - Normal MRI can it be PPMS/RRMS

Hello All, firstly I would like to thank you for taking time to read and reply to my concerns. I will try to exlain as much as I can

I am 36 yr old Male and my symptoms started in 2016,

2016 symptoms - I have problem walking from my right leg, it seems I have to put little more effort on my right leg, also right hand I have issues in finger and I feel like typing or writing I have to add more effort. Little tingling and burning sensation some times in right leg and hand which will last for couple of seconds. The symptoms improved once I went to India, but after I came back to Michigan the symptoms came back in few months.

2017, 2018 - Same symptoms as 2016 and did get resolved for couple of months and than started again, sorry do not remember the exact date started and for how long I did not had any issues

2019 - symptoms started in May in right leg same as in 2016 and then in right hand and are still there. Also, I felt like I am seeing double and did go to the eye doctor and she did some test, with Gods grace all test where normal. I am having tightness in neck right side only and have pain in back of my head right side only

I have been to almost 4-5 Neuro had MRI for Brain and complete spine in 2015, 2018 and 2019 and EMG , VER in 2019, with Gods grace all the reports are normal.

Can this still be PPMS or RRMS? Can someone have normal test and also, can MS be only on one side of the body?

Thank you again for reading and taking out time to reply

if someone can please reply that would be of great help, thnak you again


In the early days of my MS, I had similar symptoms. It doesn’t mean you’ll end up in a wheelchair like me but it’s a sign of something. It’s not the end of the world. It might be the end of long country walks but my life now is fine. I worked for 22 years after being diagnosed.

Best wishes.

thank you for the reply, so MRI normal can still be MS? Also, can the symptoms last for 6+months and than go away for months? Did you had normal MRI, Emg, NCV etc too?

Hi Akki07,

I’m certainly no expert but have been diagnosed with PPMS since 2016 and when I had my first MRI things appeared normal or so I was told, so I was sent for a lumber puncture then 6 months later another MRI this time it did show scarring ( sorry can’t remember the correct terminology) . My GP also advised me that my symptoms could worsen and yet an MRI may not show any difference.

Hope this snippet of info helps in some way and over the years the thing that’s helped me most is a positive attitude to any new symptom ,wishing you good luck with all .

I had the usual MRI, CSF and those brain function tests before being diagnosed with MS. There was no distinction in 1994. But I knew things were not right. People wanted me to give them specific terminology but I just said I was done for. I changed my ambitions.

Good wishes.

thank you both for your reply, will try to keep positive going forward, thanks again

Hi Akki07

Have you had a Lumbar puncture? Like you I had symptoms for many years and traveled all over seeing many specialists. My MRIs only show tiny lesions in my brain but my LP was positive giving me a definite diagnosis. And yes, symptoms can worsen and ease even with progressive ms. You’ll never be free and healthy but the severity can vary.

As to your vision, it was explained to me that your nerves between your brain and eyes can suffer signal problems so the image can appear double as your eyes aren’t processing as usual. It’s one of those conditions that’s difficult to diagnose because many symptoms are random, difficult to pinpoint and describe and invisible to anyone but you.

Good luck


My main attacks have occurred at 3-4 year intervals, with me being fairly “normal” in between. Of course there were some minor issues during those lengthy gaps, but I knew what would trigger them and could alter my life accordingly. My MRI’s were negative for years, so it took a very long time to get a diagnosis. Do everything you can to get tested while you’re in the midst of the worst problems.