Hello everyone
sorry but this may be a long one…
Late 2018 I went to my GP as I was having some neurological symptoms. From there they referred me to neurology but kept messi g up the referral so in the end I went private and had an MRI and a Neurologist that only listened to half of what i was saying and told me i couldnt be experiencing some of it. Results of the MRI were clear and they then sent me back to my GP advising them to refer me to the Chronic Fatigue service, they all focussed on the fatigue even though i said that was what i considered a ‘secondary’ symptom with my primary ones being the more physical neurological symptoms.
After going to the introductory chronic fatigue meeting I quickly realised that the type of pain and the symptoms everyone else shared didnt quite fit me. Having a long meeting with the occupational therapist running the session they sent their report back to the team they wrote a report to my GP basically saying they dont think its chronic fatigue/ Fibro. Had the review with my gp this morning and theyve now put me on anti depressants and migraine medication and told me its all psychosomatic.
This whole theory hinges on the fact that My mother has had MS since i was 7, it was her who insisted i first go to the GP when I was casually mentioning things that raised red flags to her ( I didnt share alot of it as i knew it was her nightmare ) however since i have been discussing things more with her she raised more red flags as there were many symptoms i was having that she has never mentioned to me. It has been getting progressively worse now for the last 4+ years.
Some of my Symptoms are; slurred speach, trouble with concerntration, bad memory, numbness, weakness, lack of balance, loss of feeling/ altered sensation, numbness, pins and needle type feeling, a pain that is like a cross between numbness-burning-and electic shocks, severe headaches and loss of vision in one eye when they occur. Spasms, occasional loss of bladder control, falling over alot, no spacial awareness, Fatigue. These are all worsened by stress, emotions, tiredness etc…
I cant seem to get them to understand that any Depression and anxiety im feeling noe is because of the symptoms not the otherway around. I dont know what to do apart from wait for councilling my GP wants me to go to even though im sure it isnt psychosomatic as im not sure how you can give yourself symptoms that you didnt know existed???
many thanks and soery for the spelling its been a tough day.