Possible MS in 7 year old daughter

Does anyone have experience of a little one with MS? Our daughter has an MRI soon as she started having seizures at Xmas but her symptoms aren’t typical to the type of epilepsy her neurologist thinks she has. She’s been having very odd symptoms in the last few months which are carrying on despite being medicated and EEG showing it’s not connected to the epilepsy. I think she’s showing a lot of symptoms of ms but just wanted to see if I could compare this with anyone please?
Since the seizures started she’s been getting ‘ fuzzy’ cheeks and tongue. And ‘odd’ feelings.
She’s been complaining of heavy, achey legs and arms daily for the last 3 weeks. With stabbing pains in various places in her body, that literally make her scream but only last 30seconds to a minute. She’s had spells of blurry vision but her eyesight is fine ( she’s under the royal eye infirmary for a squint and double vision, and checked 6 monthly) she gets dizzy and loses her balance. She drops to the floor. She’s been seeing things and hearing things too, just permanently exhausted. I took her to a and e last week to rule out anything urgent just because if the rapid decline. Does it sound like she’s in a ms flare up? Or am I connecting things irrationally. Many thanks for reading!

Hello sweetheart. I really do feel for you. MS in childhood is rare but does happen.

I cant give much of an answer but Wish you and your little one all the best in hope and prayer.



Thank you so much for your reply. It’s so hard to be patient and just wait and see. I really appreciate your comforting words, thank you :blush:

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