
Hi all

I’m newly diagnosed and have opted to try Plegridy…can anyone give feedback on how it has worked for them?

Any info would be much appreciated.


Smalley x

Hi there. Unfortunately it wasn’t the one for me.

Dxd last year I chose Plegridy for the reasons most people seem to, easy, no real bothersome side affects, don’t like needles etc. Fine for the first month or two. A few muscle aches/pains but Paracetamol sorted that out in no time.

By month two I was distraught! The low mood/depression, although short lived (until the next injection), was unbearable. I would inject on a Monday and bang on cue, next morning, just “didn’t want to do it”. I just couldn’t/wouldn’t get out of bed until mid day. When I eventually resurrected I was miserable. Didn’t want to get dressed. Didn’t want to see anyone. Uncontrollable tears would roll down my face for no reason. it was awful and something I’d never experienced in my life. The strange thing was, it would go as suddenly as it came and would only last 48 hours. On the Thursday morning I would be wondering what on earth it had all been about.

I think I chose it because it was “easy”. Having got more information on here and reading up a lot more, I chose then Tecfidera. It has a higher percentage of slowing progression and preventing relapses than others.

Just my experience. :slight_smile:

Hi Poppy

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply, its much appreciated. I’ll certainly be mindful re the mood swings…I was planning to try taking it on a Friday evening so that it doesn’t affect work during the week. How are you getting on with Tecfidera? Are you having regular blood tests? Any change in the White blood cells?

have you had any relapse since diagnosis?

hope you are doing ok.

sarah x

I’m having no problems with Tec at all. I get my blood work done at my gp surgery: and have no issues with lymphocytes or liver function either. I’ve been on it since March 2016. Was diagnosed May 2015.

I’m lucky enough to meet with my Neuro every 3/4 months. When I saw her end of June this year, she confirmed what I already suspected. I don’t have rrms, but ppms. Of course there us no drugs for that at present. However, at my request, she agreed to let me stay on Tec until she sees me again in October when we’ll review the situation. I think we both know it’s purely psychological though. A sort of “insurance policy”. It’s just given me a little extra time to accept this new diagnosis.