Painful legs when the weather gets cold anyone?

I had noticed this in the winter but nothing compared to the pain I felt in my legs this morning (as weather has cooled down so much).

I’m assuming that an anti inflammatory would help (not that I want to take any more drugs). I already take Gabapentin and Amitriptyline for pain.

Just wondered what other people do for this.


(I’m still awaiting a diagnosis so this may or may not be MS related but hopefully will help.) Cold weather really causes me pain. mainly in the ankles joints, a little in the knee but all muscles below the waist too. If my leg muscles are stiff when I wake they drag my joints out of alignment. Hence the joint pain. Some stretching and moving before weight bearing helps to get me going.(10 mins) Then when I’m up I massage the muscles for a good 10 mins. Once I can stand comfortably I do some good leg stretching like you see for runners. The stretching also takes some cramp out of the back muscles - if you get that. It usually gets rid of 90% of the pain (although it starts off painful to do so I start real slow and gentle) but if it’s one of those days then it’ll just linger. I also find a shower helps - adjust the temp to heat or cool your leg muscles. Some days either hot or cold helps - you kind of feel which you need.

I know this sound generic and you’ve probably heard it before but I hope it helps.


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Thanks Mark

It continued on throughout the day; mildly but went on to become spasms, so your advice about stretching was good. I will try and heed it.

I hope you will soon get a diagnosis.

Wendy x

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Hello Wendy.

I don’t take any medication but my legs are on fire. Yet when I’m sitting down they freeze. Someone I know once said that it was my brain fooling me or playing tricks on me. Tha actually helped. You know how determined we can be because of the beast; it gave me an extra string to my determination bow.

Best wishes, Steve

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Yes Steve I know what you mean, my feet burn when I stand on them, yet I have to wear bed socks most of the time.

I do take Gabapentin for the burning feet and it does help but recently read where someone put on 3 stone whilst taking them.

so not altogether positive news

Wendy x

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Oh dear, Wendy. There are so many side-effects with drugs I feel more in control without them. (Apart from my wonderful anti-depressants.) I remind myself the pain is a trick laid on us by the beast. I’ve lost three stone over the last year by sheer grit and determination. It’s that sort of thing which helps me fight and sometimes even enjoy myself.

Best wishes, Steve.