Pain pain go away

My arms are hurting soooo much jelly weakness but aching and burning to my fingertips, can’t sleep, feet are similar. Was laid here with arms across chest and had the weirdest feeling that they didn’t belong to me really hard to describe like they weren’t part of my body anymore, I had to think really hard to move them, v freaky. My toes feel like they are not there. But really fed up of the pain which has increased in last day or two ( this coincides with my period not sure if there’s a connection) Feeling truly fed up of whatever I have but it’s just been a steady worsening since September with no break in symptoms and no light at the end of the tunnel :frowning: Sorry for the v sorry for myself post but it’s the middle of the night I have work tomorrow and life us a bit pants at this moment.

Hope you ok? I’ve just registered and posted. I cant sleep either,steroid has increased times 5 and affecting my ability to settle. Dr has signed me off work so no worries about getting up tomorrow for me at least. Hope you managed to nod off.