Hi, I have been experiencing MS type symptoms for a couple of months and i’m waiting for my first neuro appointment at the moment. My body seems like it’s doing some really crazy stuff lately, but every time I check out a new symptom, I seem to come back to MS. I am reading on this ms other forums that there are many other conditions which present similar symptoms to MS, but I don’t seem to be able to find out what they might be.
Just to be clear: I am not looking to self-diagnose. I’m trying to very patiently wait for appointments with my GP, and each time I go with a ‘shopping list’ of new stuff that is going on (the latest being that I am walking as if I am wearing a nappy - widened gait, kind of a waddle due to leg muscle weakness - wtf!?!)
I just wondered if anyone could help with info about other possible causes of numbness (facial and arms, shoulders and fingers), twitches, neck pain, terrible fatigue, brain fog, clumsiness, pulsating nerves, itching and vertigo.
I really do appreciate any advice or info. I feel like i’m going a bit nuts!