Optic neuritis - duration of attack

I’d appreciate if anyone who’s had optic neuritis could give me an idea of how long their attack(s) lasted, from start of symptoms to the first sign of improvement (such as lessening of pain, or improved vision). I had an attack 4 years ago which took 8 days before I started to see improvement. I’m now in the middle of another bout (other eye) which is quite different. It started 2 weeks ago building from mild pain and some visual disturbance, to increased/severe pain and almost total vision loss in that eye, which I’ve now had for over a week. I have not yet turned the corner with this attack and was wondering what a realistic expectation might be. I’m realising that I got off light the first time, but I’m not sure if this current bout is typical. The doctor said that ON is an unknown, which I understand - but I thought it might be useful to find out others’ experience. I’m also anxious that the longer this goes on, the more damage is being done. My right eye healed really well, but I’m now not so sure my left eye will.

Thanks a lot.

My first bout of ON resulted in total blindness in that eye within a few hours and it took 6 weeks before I could even see shadows but thankfully, although I have some residual effects my sight did come back. The 2nd attack did not take all my sight and lasted about 3 weeks and again healed reasonably well. I don’t think there is an average and it depends on the individual how much impact it has long term. For most the prognosis is good. So don’t torment yourself and get better soon.

hi, ive had on a few times now over the years and for me it lasted about 6 weeks from the time it started to the time it cleared up, the best thing to do is ask your dr for steroids to take, that should help while your going through this, i still get panicky every time it happens, but atleast now i know its going to go away. i hope that helps

I had it for 18 wks after my 2nd was born - always put an extra scoop in his bottle to compensate for what I’d spilt on the wortop! Lol I had IV steroids solu-medrone and thankfully after 18wks my eyesight was fully restored, i did have another attack at the end of July this year but was very different it was like looking through a kaleidescope and only lasted about 4hrs I still have problems with colour definitions though and have been referred for a Ocular Coherence Tomography scan which I’m having next Friday. Oh the joys of MS eh, hope you start to feel better soon. xx

Thanks, everyone. Your replies help me a lot. I have had my finger over the panic button for the past few days, so it’s good to hear of others who have been through this and got at least some of their vision back. It’s a horrible thing to go through, but I will tough it out especially knowing I’m not alone.