Numbness & itchy skin

Good morning everyone

I’m in need a little guidance.

I think i’m having a relapse as i have numbness, pins and needles in hands and feet, wobbly weak legs and itchy skin. These are new to me, its been getting worse over the last month. I don’t find my ms nurse very helpful so i’m not sure about speaking to her or if i should go to my gp, but then i’m not sure if they would know what to do. As its more annoying than anything should i just wait until it passes or suck it up and talk the ms nurse.

Sorry for being a whinge :slight_smile:


I think I would talk to your MS nurse, after all thats what she’s there for. Go for it.

Best of luck.


I have just read an article in the latest MS Society “The Buzz” magazine where somebody has spoken about suffering from itchy skin as well as several other well known problems. Having been infuriated with the itching problem for a great many years I had never previously seen any suggestion that it could be down to MS. Whilst it could also be down to something else it was very interesting to learn that MS could be responsible.