Where to stary, i’m 26 with 2 young children. At the end of november 2012 I started having pins and needles/numbness and werid skin sensations in legs, back and abdomen, I went to GP who sent me to hospital who referref me to a neurologist. These symptons carried ond gradually got worse throughout december moving to my hands. Around xmas I my legs were in pain and then I could not move around without wobbling (felt like I was drunk and was accussed of being so by a shop keeper). fell over a few times, felt like my legs were gona give way at any time. while I was still having these werid sensations in legs, arms, hands and abdomen and back. went to a&e where I was told it was suspected ms, had a spine scan and lumbure puncture which both showed signs of ms and under went IV steriod treatment in hospital for 5 days and sent home with oral steriods which ended 1.5weeks ago. The symptons have not gone with a period of my hands being so bad 3 weeks ago that I could not hold a pen. they are better now but still cannot do small buttons or grip a cup etc. I had a brain scan 2 weeks ago and have a visual evoked potential booked for next week (they mentioned something showing up as irregular when they done some simple tests on eyes in hospital
This weekend I have had a cold which has knocked me for six, extreme fatigue - woke up his morning unable to walk far without legs givven way - phoned work sick - they have improved has day has gone on.
I cannot get hold of neurologist for any advise. I feel I have no one to ask advise or turn so I hope you dont mind.
Few questions: are legs worse because of cold, I have read this can make ms symptons worse? Does a relapse usually last this long with varying levels of severity - nearing 3 months???
I think I need to tell my employer tomorrow - which I wasnt going to do until diagnosis is confirmed which neurologst said that what brain scan was for am not due to see him until March - but as it s affecting my work now should I tell them sooner? what are my rights?
Sorry for long babbling post!!