Hi everyone, Thought I would drop in and say hi, I’m in limbo at present an could really do with some advise, I’ve been seeing a rheumatologist for years on and off, symptoms getting worse, currently off work again and have been for 3 weeks, eyes have started to become a pain and now I’m off work with severe vertigo, been back and forth from my GP and hospital docs so much it’s driving me mad, wanted to speak to my rhumo on Friday but it wasn’t as if had the time for me, spoke about recent test results, referred me to physio but feel I don’t need it, MRI on knees he said can see inflammation but not a lot to worry about, on appointment before that I had inflammation on my hips, which he said he wanted to keep an eye on, but Friday he wanted to discharge me till I reminded him about my hips, no medication again, seeing GP again next week as they are referring me over my eyes, oh and moreeee blood tests to be done, can anyone make any suggestions on how I can speak to my GP again, she has mentioned about ms twice before but never took it anywhere, sorry if this all sounds mixed up but I feel missed up x
Hi Lala
Sounds like you’ve been pretty messed around in the last few years. I had a similar problem years ago when I saw a neurologist then after lots of mris nothing came back conclusive so I was then referred to a rheumatologist who thought I had fibromyalgia. Years later I’ve now been diagnosed with RRMS and I wish I had been diagnosed years ago as I could have started on medication earlier, instead of suffering on and off for years.
Go back to your GP and ask to be referred to a neuro. If your eyes are bothering you it could be optic neuritis which is a symptom of ms, but obviously you need to see a neuro about this.
Sorry you’ve had a bad time recently. Any time you feel low post on this forum as there are lots of friendly people out there, most in similar positions to you.
Good luck,
Ty Tia, it’s nice to hear from someone, I’ve got another two weeks off work which I’m dreading, I’ve slept most of the weekend away, food shop today resulted in me sleeping for 3 hours after then every one moaning about tea being late, I felt like I could of screamed at them all but hey oh, it’s the negativity that hurts, the only one that seems to understand is my daughter who suffers with juvenile arthritis/ rhuemo so we moan at each other, I’m aiming to go back to my GP tues and fight my case specially after fri episode, thanks again Tia Angi x
Sorry to hear about your problems… I agree with Tia, see a neurologist. Won’t your GP (who mentioned MS) referr you to one?? I’ve only been recently diagnosed, but both of my MRI’s were on my spinal cord and my brain… I’m sure if you saw a good neuro then they would be able to help more… So what’s happening with your eye? My first (noticable) symptom was optic neuritis…
I really hope you can get to the bottom of this soon… the not knowing is rubbish!!!
Ty tassie I keep getting mixed messages at mo so going to fight it out with my GP this week and see what happens, as for my eyes well I went for an eye test last year and she said my vision has got better but can see cupping of the optical disc so was sent for tests for glaucoma which come back neg, so been re-referred for more tests, if it’s not one thing it’s another, they want to rerun the optic disc tests again as well, oh an another eye test, so well see how that comes out as I got blurred vision at present but I think that’s due to the fact I’m in my 3rd week of vertigo, but I’ll let you know, ty for the advise Angi x
Good luck with the GP! Fingers crossed for you Do push for that brain MRI coz that’s where the optic neuritis (which can be as simple as blurred or fuzzy vision) is detected…
Hope it all goes well, let us know xx
Ty tassie x
Hi im a newbie. My uveitis was the first time my ‘condition’ was considered as a whole by my eye dr. 15 years before that i had meningitis which left me with neurological problems then reoccuring bouts of bells palsy.I remain undiagnosed despite numerous MRI scans and tests. I see a rheumatologist every 6wks and an eye dr,they are a god send and refer me to other consultants as and when other symptoms arise.currently inflammation of the heart.you do need to push gp’s,consultants etc… To ensure you get the best possible care.when my eye started, a&e turned me away,my eye stopped moving and was bleeding.luckily I managed to see an eye dr quickly via my gp who treated me and saved my sight. You know your body and know when something isn’t right. Best of luck in obtaining a diagnosis.