So just back from the appointment with new Neuro. Well…the experience was the pole opposite to the one with my first neuro. This new guy was brilliant.
We talked for ages, he made lots of notes, asked about complete history and what had happened over the last 18 months and what is happening now. Carried out lots of physical tests, spent an especially long time on my eyes.
He didn’t make one single comment about MS or what it could be, which is good cos he just didn’t jump in with an uninvestigated answer or try to tell me what I do and don’t have. He agrees something is obvioulsy wrong.
He took copies of everything I have already, reports, scans etc and said he wants some time to go though everything and decide on a course of action. he did say he will want me to have quite a few tests, most likely starting with another MRI but he wants to build a full picture first so he can decide what tests would be most helpful. I have to see him again next week and then he’ll tell me what he wants to do next. He was very concerned that I had been going round in circles for the last year but not getting any help and seems determined to get to the bottom of th problem.
What was also interesting is he spent a lot of time talking to my husband and asking him what “he” sees in me on a day to basis. It was quite interesting listening to my hubby talkin about how i’m not the same energetic, confident person I was and how upsetting he and the family find it when they see me stumbling all the time.
Away, he seemed to take me very seriously and wants to help. So I feel much better that at last someone is on my side!