Neurologists can't make up their minds

Hi I was diagnosed with MS 2 years ago by a 2 Neurologists both of these neurologists have left the hospital where I am being treated.

I’ve been to see 2 new Neurologists to see if I qualify for the drug modifying treatment. 1st new Neurologist said told me in January “I can’t say you have got it and I can’t say you haven’t got it as your scans were not sent over”. I waited 3 months and I had to do all the running and called the 1st neurologist office in March only to be told that I didn’t qualify.

I’ve been to see 2nd new Neurologist today who has said that I do have 10 lesions on my brain but cannot confirm its MS until a lumbar puncture is done (which is getting done in August) even then it might not be 100% cofirmed as MS.

I just want to know has anyone else been fobbed off like this? And what did you do about it?