neuro consult update

Have managed to get a copy of the original mri scan from guildford, which they said at the national would be useful for comparing the new scan when its done cost me £35 though cant understand why they didnt just request it from guildford themselves, but will do anything that will help. have a followup appointment booked for 7th december, awaiting appointment for mri was told upto 6 weeks and we are a week down, the sooner the better not a good week crash physically and emotionally, dr has signed me off work for a week, back to work next wednesday

Looking at the scan is facinating just wish i knew what i was looking at, lol

Fascinating indeed :slight_smile: Brains are SO cool!

What you’re looking for are files labelled FLAIR or PD to have a scroll through and look for white or pale spots/blobs/patches which look out of place and are within the brain (it’s normal to have white spots on the outer edge of the brain - these are blood vessels). There are a few places in the brain where white bits are normal, but these are generally quite small.

Karen x