Nero app

Hi just wondering if anyone has seen a Nero in princess Alexander Hosp in Harlow as this where my first app will be . Some said addenbrookes is good but feel if I give my app up in harlow I will be waiting weeks I’ve already waited 7 weeks and Hosp said it could be another 3 weeks b4 I even get. Letter through the post. Everything is soo long winded .xx

hi, Tracy

just had mine ;last week in PAH and saw a woman neuro with double barrelled name !

She was fab! She thinks its possible ms but all depends on MRI with contrast on tuesday!

There are 3 neuros there and from what i’ve heard and seen they are all pretty great!

Very thorough and kind and listened to everything i had to say!

Ran every physical test and even wrote to my gp to tell him what was going on!

Nothing but praise for her…will keep you informed if you want, oh and feel free to chat anytime and if you feel like it as we travel this insane journey maybe meet up for coffee and swap moans ! LOL

Take care

Lea x

Hi lea thanx for reply will keep in touch . Xx