I am at a point i am done whatd the point ? Anyone else feel this way ?
Hi Kelly,
I dont know your situation or whats happening in regards to your MS, but i just wanted to say its better to rant and get it all out than feel backed up and bogged down sometimes, I’ve only been on here a couple of weeks but I’ve found it to be of great help to get things off my mind with people who understand my frustration. I really hope you start to feel a bit better soon
I completely get it. I have been abandoned by friends, hardly go out & fed up with feeling like shit all of the time……but I won’t let it beat me & will continue to put on a happy smile & stick 2 fingers up to the world. You’re going to have off days, this is a life changing illness but think of the good days as well xx
Gosh, yes. I’ve never actually answered what the point is either, but that reminds me of when I worked, before I was forced to retire, and sometimes in the middle of a really £hitty project I’d find myself asking what the point was. February is a horrible month, whenever I’ve had a real depressive patch it’s been around February or March. I think I’m doing better this month because the last couple of weeks have had some really nice sunny days which always lifts the mood.
I remember talking to my neurologist when I was having a particularly depressive period, and he did say that with ms the scarring on the brain actually be the root cause of the depression. So it can be a symptom of MS as well as being a side effect of having it.
It did actually make me more amenable towards taking antidepressants! I find that I need to wallow in the pits of despair for a bit though to be able to get it all out, and it means I’m more aware of whether I’m spiralling or not.
I hope it doesn’t last too long, be kind to yourself.
Hi Ken75, that’s exactly me, I’m fed up to the back teeth, don’t get out much, friends But I thank God for my hubby (full time carer) and like you stick 2 fingers up, I will not let this beat me.
Stay strong, stay safe and keep
Also have a great husband supporting me & everyone else can:fu:
Thank you for all your kind replys , i am currently living with loss of bowels , bladder , mobility , head snd body shakes , eye sight the list is endless and at being just 40 yrs old i feel so jelous seeing people older than me with the life they are enjoying and the hayered to mine