Hi everyone, hope you’re all as well as you can be, I went to see my GP yesterday, more for my flu jab, she has been on this journey with me for the past 5yrs, and as she herself says, is learning about MS with me, anyway we got talking, I mentioned about the MS hug and the problem I have with breathing when it comes on, tightness in chest and sometimes in my throat, I mentioned to her that when it goes I’m left with a feeling of congestion, which then makes it difficult to breath, when this happens I take a spray of nose spray which helps to relieve it, now last year I had a camera up my nose and my ears checked and everything was fine, they did say there cpuld be nerve damage in this area, she now believes that when I get the hug it is then affecting the nerves in my ears and making the blood vessels in my nose to swell, the spray I use then decreases the swelling and hey presto back to normal, until the next time, she just wants to know if this happens to anyone else and how you relieve it, take care all, Jean x
arsenic wrote:
You’ve certainly got the right username
re ms hug - think i had my first one this week . My chest went tight as though being squeezed lasted about an hour i felt really odd also had to sit down and rest. my gp is sending me for blood tests and heart tests just to make sure. he does not appear to know anything about ms (recently changed gp) reading your description im sure that what it was