My arms ache...MS or not?

For the past week my arms have been sore. My right one is worse and feels like the ache you get after a flu jab. Just very weak and sore from my elbows up to my shoulders. Does this sounds familiar or something unrelated to the MS? Thanks in advance, Lindsay

Just wanted to add, I have a lesion on my cervical spine at C4.

Hmmm. Mine ache. Pretty much all my muscles ache.

So yep, sounds MS’ish to me.

Then again, I hesitate to say ALL things are MS, because some of them might not be. But I think all the achey stuff is part of it for me.

My arms felt sore before I was ever diagnosed. I’d already noticed my legs feeling tired, but then I noticed shoulder muscles felt tender to the touch, when doing things like applying moisturiser.


Mine do too particularly in bed, often wake me up.

I to have a cervical lesion on my spine, i get some weakness in my arms but my most worrying is weakness in my legs/restlessness, also have in the last few months got what neuro decribes as l,hermittes all down my leg when i move my neck.

You should maybe speak with your ms nurse if you have one if not gp, or vice versa could just be something else good luck xx


Yes, I agree, I am sure it is ms related, mine ache most of the time.


Thanks for all your replies. I went to the doctor (for others reasons) and mentioned it to her. She gets quite nervous when anything about my ms comes up as I don’t think she has experience of it. She quickly said she thought it was linked to a sore throat I have. I don’t think it is as get sore t throats all the time and have never had this before, plus they came at different times. Anyway I also spoke to my ms nurse who says it doesnt sound like ms either arghhh! Well I think it is so will just wait and see what happens. Sparkly, I have great trouble with RLS at night and actually get it in one of my arms also (my weak one). I also have lots of problems with my right leg ie. weakness, and when I walk it goes to jelly and doesnt hold me up. I have this weakness in my left arm too but never an ache. Lindsay x

Honestly, I wonder where they get these people!

A doctor who thinks achey arms would be linked to a sore throat (possible, but usually only if it’s flu’ or something), and an MS nurse who doesn’t think aching is linked to MS at all.

Well, plenty of people here have come forward and said yes, their arms DO ache, so is that all just coincidence then?

Like you, I usually have my own views on whether something is MS or not. Occasionally, I mention it to the doctor or neuro, just in case. If they seem sceptical, but don’t come up with any better explanation, I usually think: “OK, I was probably right: it IS MS”. At least I’ve done the sensible thing, and mentioned it. But if nobody can account for it, I draw my own conclusions.



[quote=“babylove”] Thanks for all your replies. I went to the doctor (for others reasons) and mentioned it to her. She gets quite nervous when anything about my ms comes up as I don’t think she has experience of it. She quickly said she thought it was linked to a sore throat I have. I don’t think it is as get sore t throats all the time and have never had this before, plus they came at different times. Anyway I also spoke to my ms nurse who says it doesnt sound like ms either arghhh! Well I think it is so will just wait and see what happens. Sparkly, I have great trouble with RLS at night and actually get it in one of my arms also (my weak one). I also have lots of problems with my right leg ie. weakness, and when I walk it goes to jelly and doesnt hold me up. I have this weakness in my left arm too but never an ache. Lindsay x [/quote] RLS at night very annoying, i get this at night too, sorry noone seems to be taking your complaint seriously, gp,s arent that used to ms, maybe ask about having nerve tests for carpal tunnel syndrome cos i had very weak arm then neuro reffered me for tests and came up positive for carpal had op and much better now. not saying it is this but very simple/cheap test , not ms related either x

Hi, just thought I’d throw another possibility your way, I have RRMS but also have Lupus. With Lupus your arms ache from elbow to shoulder and even the shoulder hurts. Now I am never sure if it’s the Lupus or MS when they ache. Have they tested you for Lupus, it’s only a blood test then maybe your doctor can relate to it more?

Janet x

Thanks again Sparkly, will look into that.

Janet, I think Lupus is one of the diseases they rule out first before getting to MS and as only diagnosed I hope they ruled it out. I don’t know how you cope with both illnesses. I find it hard enough with just the MS xxx

Linsay, it’s one of those things that in the end the pain all intermingles so it gets harder to decide which is what.

They did dx me with Lupus before RRMS but have had MS longer than Lupus without knowing it. Crazy or what?


My right arm feels like a continuous stinging sensation and even picking up a cup of coffee feels like a ton weight, don’t know if it is my ms or not. After reading the replies to your post I think it probally is. Tc. Karen