Hi All
I hope someone can help
I had an MRI and lumber puncture 3 weeks ago and I was sent the results that were meant for the consultant! As you can imagine all sorts were going through my mind as it was quite detailed, but still gave no conclusions. (its below)
My best friend has MS, is a nurse and is convinced I have MS too, I am so confused and I don’t seem to be able to get any answers, this has been going on for 2 years.
The lumber puncture showed there is the same pattern IgG in my spinal fluid as my blood. They were looking for MS, but the results say its unlikely to be MS because its is only one oligoclonal band and its in both my CSF and serum. Could they be wrong?
The MRI showed I have several small T2 high signal foci within the white matter on my brain, they have said there are changes since the last one 6 months ago, but no specific details, I also have degenerative problems with my facet joints in my neck.
I have shooting pains and weakness in my legs (started 2 years ago), its like tooth ache with electric shocks. (they often go underneath me. I am tired all the time. I have pain in my eyes like pricks. My skin itches all the time and lately when I need to go to the loo I have to get there quickly as I cant seem to hold on for long. I also get a pain in my side/groin that feels like a stitch, it will last for several days at a time.
This is what was put on the lumber puncture report:
Oligoclonal IgG patteren present in the CSF similar to the serum oligclonal IgG pattern. This is NOT indicative of intrathecal synthesis, but rather, the pattern is consistent with passive transfer of oligoclonal IgG from a systemic inflammatory response. The pattern is more common in neuropathies, Guillain-Barre syndrome, systemic autoimmune diseases, neoplastic or paraneoplastic syndromes, as well as systemic infections. MS is unlikely.
I was diagnosed with MGUS 18 months ago with IgG of 2g/l Lambda paraprotein present in the mid/slow gamma region, it has gone up now at 5 g/l I am under a haematologist in the Myeloma clinic although I haven’t got Multiple Myeloma yet and it may never progress.
Can anyone shed some light on this please, thank you in advance