MRI Report?

Hi everyone, just wondere if anyone could help me?

I had an MRI scan done last year as I have hearing loss in one ear, severe dizziness and tiredness which I have had for about 5 months.

I have been referred to see a neurologist and just been to the doctors to pick up my referral letter. I have just opened it and the MRI report was there which I have not seen before it says:

“There are muliple high T2 signal foci seen within the white matter of both cerebal hemispheres. The shape and location of these is strongly suggestive of demyelination. The brainstem and cerebellum appear normal.”

Anyone know what this means?? Could it mean MS?

Many thanks


Hi Lou-01

I would go back to your GP for a chat chuck, and ask him/her to explain your MRI report to you and explain it was a shock to recieve this letter without an explanation.

