Moving to UK with MS

Good Evening:

Might there be anyone utilizing this forum who understands the process of moving to The UK with an MS diagnosis?

I have been using Copaxone for several years and respond well to this treatment, thus- I would like to arrange for a smooth transition before moving to England.

Any advice is welcome!



Hello Claire and welcome, The only suggestion I can make is make sure you have a good supply of your medication, copies of letters regarding ms to show the doctor. The moment you get here register with a doctor and ask them to refer you to a neuro.

I wish you good luck with your moving and hope it all goes well for you.



Thank you, Janet!

Greetings Claire,I agree with Janet,and reckon that the more Copaxone you can bring with you the better.Can you bring some decent weather with you,or at least a few photos of the sun.

Wb x

I moved from Canada, and I am also on Copaxone which I as on for 2 years there. I had my prescription with me, ad one box of Copaxone,and I got a DR, and it went very smooth.

Hope it does for you as well…


Hello Michael,aren’t you a ‘Moose Call’ from the past. How are you?
