Hi there - before I start I know most people will think Go to your DR but I have been to the DR multiple times for some of the symptoms I’m about to explain. I feel like the DRs think I’m a bit weird or something because I’ve come in describing some random stuff over the years ! But I have only mentioned about half of this stuff over the years as we all know how hard it is to get an appointment let alone a GP who will really take you seriously when you have an idea of what you thinks wrong.
So, I thought it could be helpful to ask people who really understand the experience of MS to gauge wether I am totally barking up the wrong tree here…
I have had a number of unexplained symptoms over the years since having my daughter (9 years ago). This stared with chronic migraines that make me not recognise where I am, unable to speak, very painful, numbness on one side etc. Around this time I also had episodes of sudden and severe vertigo - especially triggered by movement like being in a car or a lift. Another symptom that started around this time was really severe fatigue (which is normal obviously after having a baby) but there’s still days we’re I’m ok and days where I need to sleep after being awake for like two hours and doing the bare minimum. At times like this, I am really dragging myself around if I can’t go and sleep. For about 6 years I have had what feels like a really weak bladder where I can have a wee and straight away I need a wee again (like I don’t fully empty my bladder). I need wees pretty constantly and am up in the night at least 3/4 times. I can wee like 3 times in a row one after another and it is very annoying for my family when we’re trying to leave the house and I’m always going for one more wee ! I have had periods where I choke on my food when I’m eating and this seems to happen a lot over a period of time and then stops completely. I can slur my words and get words mixed up more than most people and forget where I’ve put things straight after putting them down. Forget where I’ve parked my car often. I get sudden stabbing pains in the top of my head sometimes and sudden bouts of feeling suddenly very spaced out. I’ve also been waking up with a very stiff neck for about six months now. I also feel like my forehead is quite numb in comparison to the rest of my face.
I had several blood tests done because they found I had a high ferritin level in my blood that wasn’t going down over months and months of tests. It never went back to normal but it did slightly reduce although was still high when they stopped testing it. I’ve had an abdominal scan to check my liver because of this and nothing came back as unusual on it (so my bladder must be physically normal). They’ve referred me to a neurologist RE the migraines because last time I had one it was very severe but I have to wait 70 weeks.
The urination and some other things I’ve never mentioned but I feel like these things have been plaguing me for so long they’re going to think I’m just an anxious person or lieng about it cos I’ve had that many appointments about different things that don’t even seem to align with each other or make sense.
It’s important to note on other days or there’s periods of times I’m not noticing these symptoms as much as others. So maybe I’m presenting as fine to the DRs as I am young and look fairly fit? I don’t know.
Any opinions or advice would be so helpful
Thanks so much in advanced.