so lumbar puncture was done on Thursday, it was uncomfortable but nurse who did it was very experienced so went ok. Now just to wait for results… I was told 3/4 weeks as they go to a couple of different labs. My question really is what if result is normal? My Mri showed 1 brain lesion… Any one diagnosed with normal lp?
Hi Dusty66,
I have had the lumber puncture and it came back clear. Like you I have 2 lesions to your 1.
Its just the process to make sure you have not got something else rather than MS. I will tell you it takes a long time before they are 100% sure.
I have been seeing my neurologist for 2 years now and he is only 99.9% sure I have ppms.
I have had numerous MRIs ,nerve function test blood tests,
Hi winker,
thank you for your reply, I had mri and lp 10yrs ago and it was all clear, so this time I hope I get some more answers it’s already been a long journey. This waiting to hear is the worst bit, because neuro was not sure said very little about what she was thinking. I’m trying to be relaxed about it but today suffering with numbness down one leg, with weakness, I’ve also had all of the bloods, and evoked potentials 10 yrs ago.
Hi Dusty66,
you seem to be exactly the same boat as me .
I have numbness and weakness in my left leg and sometimes in my left arm.
My neuro is saying very little as well at the moment.
Thankfully I am still working full time but it gets harder by the end of the day ,
Hi Winker, yes I work 4 days a week, I’m usually wiped out by the end of the day. I’m just coming out of an awful 4 weeks or so of severe fatigue, right arm weakness, and buzzing and pain. Today my right leg is painful and numb at the same time, which is a conundrum to me, pain and numbers together, this is not new though had this for several years, only I have discovered today I limited sensation to my upper backs of thighs and buttocks, I only noticed when in the shower as water was hot in my mid/upper back, but not on my saddle area. I got my hubby to pinch me and yep, it’s definitely not right. Trouble is I’ve got so used to my body doing this I don’t get surprised anymore and even more sadly thought it was relatively normal to be this way! Only because I have also had issues with my bladder function I asked to go back to neuro for check up!
Nice to talk to someone who understands, please feel free to chat. Xx
11years ago I had optic neuritis. I had an which showed a couple of lesions but ms wamwasnt mentioned. 3 minths later I hhad a 2nd relapse with spasms, affecting my speech and movement on my right side. I had another MRI, which showed progression mireesions, however I still had a lumbar puncture which came back negative but I was still given my RRMS so not sure why I had to go through the LP - nmiLPot the best of experiences for me! 11 years on and despite the teo big relapses early on my progression has been slow, only starting my 1,st DMD (tecfidera) in Oct 2015. Let us know how you get on.
Hi Sallum, thank you for your reply, I guess it’s just about waiting now, I have mixed feelings, and just want answers. Already been through this process once already. Hope the dmt drugs help. Xxx
Hi Dusty
To answer your question, yes you can be diagnosed with a normal LP. I was diagnosed with PPMS over 2 years ago, my story in short was 18 months of mobility and nerve issues, referred to a neuro and he ordered MRI, came back with lots of legions, mainly around the brain stem. So he ordered an LP which was normal, then had evoke potentials and 4 months later a second MRI which showed more legions and the original ones more advanced. Then referred to a professor who diagnosed PPMS. On further research by myself it appears that lumbar punctures show the o-bands 85-90% of the time with RRMS but less than 50% of the time with PPMS. It appears that it is universally accepted that LP’s are not a definitive diagnosis tool for MS! Hope that answers your question.
Mr Wobbly
Thank you Mr Wobbly, for your reply, it’s a long a bumpy road, wish it didn’t have to be any of this, but with these types of illnesses it’s so difficult to be sure, I know that. I shall wait to see. Xx
thank you again.