I am waiting the results of MRI that i had done on Thursday. I didn’t think I was such a control freak, but this not being in control and not knowing for sure what it is is becoming reallly difficult. I am in a flap now about the thought of a lumbar puncture. The MRI wasn’t the nicest experience, I held it together while in there for what seemed like forever but went to pieces when I got out the hospital. Hows everyone else coping? I am an emotional wreck just now.
Hi Control Freak!
Firstly, keep calm. After reading some of the horror stories that some people experience in trying to get to the bottom of their symptoms, you’re doing very well. At least you’ve now had an MRI scan!
Whilst it can be a very protracted process, you’re now on the right path to obtaining a definitive diagnosis for your symptoms.
A LP is not always neccesary, because the results of the MRI scan, together with your clinical presenation can sometimes be conclusive. Multiple Sclerosis can show up with very definite WML (White Matter Lesion) distribution.
However, sometimes the results of the MRI are not conclusive. This is because there are other neurological conditions that can mimic MS on a MRI scan. At this point, it would be quite normal to seek a Lumbar Puncture.
A Lumbar Puncture will test for the presence of an inflammatory response within the Central Nervous system (CNS) of the type typically seen in Mutliple Sclerosis.
Personally, I did not require a LP. My diagnosis of RRMS, was achieved on the basis of my MRI scan and clinical presentation alone.
So, keep calm. You’re almost there!
Good luck and best wishes
i’m hating not knowing, too. i’ve got my mri on the 13th of this month and still waiting for neuro date. i had LP 2 weeks ago and it was actually fine!! as sore as getting blood taken. my back was a bit sore for a few days aftrewards, but i was really surprised at how painless it was.
hopefully we’ll both have answers soon
I feel like I look like a fraud. Are your symptoms there all the time ladies? Do you have any pain? I have no pain whatsoever and to look at me, i look fine and healthy, but have been good at hiding how I am feeling, upto now, now im just a wreck, can’t stop crying.So far I haven’t fallen, but like today, went to gym for a swim, caught foot on way in and fell into the water, (but kept it looking good, lol). I did 4 lengths, but my left arm had a mind of its own and i couldn’t feel it so went and sat in the jacuzzi. Nipped into asda afterwards, and then the weakness begins, and the stumbling starts, its all so weird. I am more worried about lp not because of the procedure, but just cause at my lower back, i have tenderness, but only when its touched/pressed.It doesn’t hurt me to bend walk do gym or anything like that, never has and have had that for as long as I can remember.
Yes, I am thankful that after 4th visit to doctor they took me seriously and that have had my mri. Feel im wasting time on here if I haven’t got ms, but everyones been kind in replying and it does help to know you are not alone because going through this is hard for others to understand and so many of the symptoms could be this or could be that. Guess just have to wait and see now.
Thank you x
Hi Control Freak!
Firstly, let’s be quite clear- Hopefully, you will not have MS. But that said, there is always the possibility that you might. You may even be found to have experienced Clinically Isolated Syndrome- a single episode of demyelination in one area of the CNS (Central Nervous System). One episode that is never repeated.
That is the whole point of these tests. Unfortunately, MS can be extremely difficult to diagnose. After all, it’s one hell of a badge to have to pin to somebody!
Personally, I was diagnosed in June last year after suffering what was initially thought to have been a stroke. But, it turns out though, that I have actually had RRMS since 1995 when I was 27 years old.
In all those years, I had experienced 4 mini relapses. Never realising that I actually had Multiple Sclerosis.
In my spare time, I’m an endurance runner. In fact, I’ve been running since I was 13 years old. I am very fit and healthy- MS aside!
I’m still running and, in fact, next weekend, I’m taking part in a 24 hour endurance relay. So, life does not have to go horribly wrong, just because one has MS.
Personally, my muscles are most affected, though not badly. I don’t have to take any medications thankfully. I also experience Secondary Dystonia (basically, muscle spasms and contractions). Thankfully, the episodes are relatively brief! Fatigue is another issue, but I try never to give in to it. It’s a case of being sensible!
My personal mantra is ‘Adapt and Modify’.
Anyway, my fingers are crossed that MS does NOT appear on your radar, but, if it does, you know where to find us!
Good luck