Hello eveyone, hope you are all ok and hope you dont mind me asking a wee question or two??
I had what the doctors thought was a stroke 2 and a half years ago, was in stroke ward for 2 wekks with slurred speech, left sided weakness and problems walking.Scans and mri normal lp normal and was told to go home and get on with my life as just a blip!!! anyway, as time has past, i have had what my gp says, many relapses and strange going ons, went to neurologist and a year and a half ago dx me with functional neurological disorder od cns? just been trying to get on as best i can, but had many weird and wonderful symptoms and lately been getting worse with many sensory things. i see my neuro doc december 3rd and my gp says i am well within my right to ask for another mri as its been over 2 years now, but should i ask for another LP? would ms not have shown up the first time anyway? i have a great gp and he has been so supportive and i think he feels it may be ms, but obviously cant say or dx me.
What im trying to ask is, if i were to have MS would it definately show up on scan or LP after a year or two and why does it not always show up at first for some people ?
Thanks again