Light sensitivity - sunglasses?

Hi all

I have horrible light sensitivity and wondering about investing in a pair of really good sunglasses (I should wear prescription glasses for walking around, but have found they just make me fall over)

Has anyone got reactive ones? None of the normal ones I have found in shops are dark enough for me outside on a really sunny day, but I am wondering if they react quickly enough?

Haven’t looked at the price, but presumably eye-watering :wink: so want to make sure they are a good idea.

Thoughts please.

a lady i know wears really black glasses because she has light sensitivity.

can your optician suggest something?

carole x

I have prescription reactive lenses. And what’s more, I got my head around varifocals too. I’ve had prescription reactive lenses for years so I’m never caught out in the sun. I do actually have a pair of prescription sunglasses too so on very sunny days, can just swap over to proper dark glasses. I don’t think I could cope with life without reactolites.


Thank you Sue, what worried me was that they might not react quickly enough so I might suddenly be plunged into pitch black going from outside to inside.

You do tend to find on a sunny day that going from outside to inside, that you might have a touch of ‘blimey, its dark in here’! But nothing that you can’t manage in the sense of refocusing your eyes briefly above your glasses, it’s not as bad as going into a steamy atmosphere from outside when your glasses completely steam up.


Teal, go to your GP and ask for an urgent referral to see an eye specialist. Light sensitivity can be a symptom of uveitis. If you do have uveitis and it isn’t treated, your eyesight could be seriously affected. Even if it’s not uveitis there could be some other underlying condition that needs to be dealt with. Sunglasses deal with a symptom, not the real problem.

I just assumed it was one of the most common MS symptoms, isn’t it? Maybe I’ll ask the optician to refer me. I go to the GP a bit too much.

OK so I’ve read up on it and I do wonder. Back in the spring when I was so ill, I had severe eye pain and repeated visual disturbances which both Neuro and two opticians discounted as not being ON. It was suggested they were either hallucinations or migraine and trigeminal nerve. The disturbances were like diamond drops falling and happened in the shower. My bottom lip was also swollen for a long time. Can MS attack other tissues as well as myelin? Or can you have two immune diseases/disorders at the same time? And if so, would a DMT work for both? Anyone any ideas? I’ll try to find a really good optician and ask.

Hi I have c rival lenses witch work fine in the sun and in and out off sun change fairly quickly can’t have varietals any more though as I have prisms in both lenses.

I have a prism in one eye, didn’t know that meant no varifocals.

I wear varifocals and my optician wanted to put prisms in as well, but I’ve had them before and didn’t want them again. I think this means you could have prisms in varifocal glasses.


I understand there is now a Government-imposed limit on how dark a pair of sunglasses can be (a bit like the limit on tinting car windows).

To go any darker, youn would need medical justification.
One trick that might wotk if you can get an optician to cooperate is to get a pair of photo-reactive glasses, and get a dark tint put on the back of the lenses only. The logic is that the light has gone through, darkened them and then been darkened by the dark tint. My best mate at Uni swore by this trick.


Interesting thank you. Why on earth is there a limit, I wonder.

Yes you can have prisms and various vocals

I need vary high level prisms, varievocals meant I couldn’t see properly to the sides and my feet I was falling and staggering about like a drunk man ,it’s a bloody nuisance to be fiddling about with two pairs off specs but needs must plus I have the beginnings off Macular degeneration .