Good evening all,
Hope your all as well as can be.
I would just like to ask, if a brain mri show lesions, does it mean you are more likely to have ms? than if the scans were clear?
Good evening all,
Hope your all as well as can be.
I would just like to ask, if a brain mri show lesions, does it mean you are more likely to have ms? than if the scans were clear?
Yeah I would say though I’m know expert. I have heard that it’s not the amount of leisons it where they are My MRI showed leisons was told isolated attack then had another big one I asked if I’d tl get another scan and was told we have seen what we need to Hopefully more of the experiences ms people will give better advice x
Thank you Emfraserburgh
I have 2 lesions in 2 of the 4 most common places for ms.
Im trying to be optermistic…lol ( I know i have miss spelt that) really not good at spelling now.
I tell myself my symptoms are not ms and proberbly something else, but then my sensible side say, “dont forget the lesions”
thank you for your help tho x
There are a few diseases that can cause brain lesions it’s not just MS. With my PCT they also take a lumber puncture to look
for oval banding and with MRI its a min of 2 MRI over a time to compare.
With the blood tests they rule out other diseases.
I’ve not known any MS person to have no lesions at all.
I have had a second mri, waiting to hear results.
had lots of blood tests and they all came back normal.
when you say over time, does that mean to see if the lesions have gone or moved?
thank you for your replys.
emfraserburgh…I have reply to you, but for some reason it said it was in a cue to be checked before posting. thought i would mention it incase this post comes up first
No prob I just read back my reply I really should proof read lol x
just message you to let you know about the other post.
not sure where that has gone to.
pleeease dont worry about spelling mistakes lol. my spelling has got worse over last few months, sometimes i try to spell something and sit and stare at the screen for some time because i just cant work it out… thank goodness for spell check or im sure people would not know what im trying to say
Erm 1st MRI is like a baseline then with me 9 months later they did another one and I had more T2 lesions, then they gave me copaxone and year later more lesions so they took me off copaxone.
With my bloods they kept showing high white cell count and orginally kept telling my I must have an infection etc.
Anyway bottom line I had every dodgy disease test and came up negative so they put the high white count down to just me.
Even why I was on Tysabri I still had high white count.
Lesions over time will fade and on MRI it looks like brain has repaired itself, but I was told the cells that grow back are kinda
like stunted they not the same as before so its a false repair and this happens to everyone regardless of age and the type of MS they have.
Or like with me you could have a black hole where the cells don’t grow back and the body removes the dead brain cells leaving you with a pea size whole. Black void looks cool on MRI.
Originally I had 6 lesions on brain and one in my neck. Some fade and later down the line a new one would pop up.
Hi, re the over time thing, you have to have had lesions with an amount of time between them, eg I had one MRI in August and one in October that showed worsening brain lesions. With my symptoms and 3 relapses, that was eventually enough to diagnose MS, but others need lumbar punctures and other tests, eg evoked potentials (which I actually passed). You can have brain lesions and not have MS or be showing any symptoms, but I assume you are asking the question as you are displaying MS symptoms? People can be diagnosed with clinically isolated syndrome too with brain lesions, which is a one off attack, but this can turn into MS. I think some other conditions can show brain lesions and MS like symptoms too, like Hughes syndrome, but I’m no expert.
thank you so much for the explanations, they have made it clearer for me and made sence.
Yes I have had symptoms on ms since last summer, but i try to stay positive and tell myself “no its not ms it is proberbly something else”. but it seems the lesions are most common for ms, which sorts of brings me back down to earth.
I dont tend to ask to many questions or go on a google hunt as i think i may not like the answers.
in other words im being a chicken and hoping it all magicly goes away hahax
Get your mri dvd then you can do this with it Hobsies brain (MRI scans) - YouTube
grrrr my post are not coming up…so far now 4 have been put in a cue for checking before posting… but it let me post in the first bit…sorry to those who are replying