I have gone from self catheterising 3 times a day to 5 times a day and now for the past few weeks cannot pass anything natuarally at all so getting used to the cath a few extra times a day and having to measure again all inout output to see how often I need to cath now.
I still use a mirror at home and am having problems if out because of not having my mirror light set up with me.
OH suggested a mirror hung on a ribbon round my neck then grip mirror with knees and put cath in…hah hah I can,t see the “spot” if I am leaning forward to get the mirror in place. I also cant get the light right. This is a nightmare, there must be a way to do it…I know lots of you people have mastered the art of self cathing by feel. I just have not managed it so am looking for another solution.
ANY ideas gratefully accepted unless they draw attention to my large tummy ! Seriously can anyone think of some way I can do this in public loo or store loo etc please ?
Obviously I hope I can get a routine going so do not need to do this away from home much but when I go for day hospital treatment or am with family on days out I cannot leave it too long without voiding as I get toxic headaches and UTI,s
I have got so upset over it today I want to go into hospital, my MS is throwing lots of worsening symptoms at me over the past months and I have other health issues and feel the situation is almost unbearable.
I have a horrible constant itching all over including my scalp which is only eased when in the shower, I am showering twice a day and that is exhausting me…I am so fatigued I fell asleep at the dentist ( I am terrified of dentist )
please help