Hi all, This is just a quick moan! that its really annoying when people without this stupid illness think that they know better than you!, all i want to do is shout at them that i’m the one with ms and therefore i know what i can and can’t do!, and why don’t they live my life and then they can realise. O.k, moan over.
Hi Catt Its always better to get it off your chest, so moan away, we dont mind. I must admit I get fed up with people telling me about new medication they have heard about. They have no idea! Take care Pam
catt wrote:
Hi all, This is just a quick moan! that its really annoying when people without this stupid illness think that they know better than you!, all i want to do is shout at them that i’m the one with ms and therefore i know what i can and can’t do!, and why don’t they live my life and then they can realise. O.k, moan over.
Know just how you feel. jaki xx :evil:
I decided , after the last person who told me about" another person she knows with ms", That it is the hidden disease… And until you have it you wouldn’t have a clue… So mentally tell them all to " €}${^{%}??}. Off". !!! They’re driving me nuts!!! Sorry, I’m moaning too now xx And I don’t blame you for moaning either xx J x
Hear bloody hear!!!
I’ve just been on holiday. As well as the general tiredness, the thing that I found hard to cope with was how my mobility got progressively worse as I did things. And I ended up walking very slowly and painfully. As the week went on it got bad quicker and quicker. Which is what I expected to be honest, but it’s still a bit depressing. It was nowhere near as bad as I feared it would be. Such is the life of MS!
lol just had a huge argument with my mum over just that. Ie her thinking she knows what is best for me again. Apparntly i drink too much. The only people who truly understand are those who suffer and those that have spent their lives studying ms. I say rant away we all understand and i find i always feel better after a rant. If only slightly.
Thanks for that, what would we do without a good moan? I’m also prone to ramble and waffle BUT they all feel great. I may not be able to move around much without a huge effort but strangely I can moan. Have a good weekend people and don’t let this hellish disease get you down, we are always here. Take care, M
Cbear wrote:
Hear bloody hear!!!
That sums it up!!! B :lol: