Hey everyone. Is there a link between MS and b12 deficiency? I have seen a lot of posts regarding b12! I have been diagnosed 9 yrs with MS and 3 yrs ago I had my bloods done and it came back with B12 deficiency. I have had my injections and do have them every 10 wks. Thanks in advance
hi jasit
i don’t know if the link means b12 deficiency causes ms but a lot of msers are deficient.
ditto with D3.
so it makes sense to supplement these.
if only the cause could be found in something as simple as vitamin deficiency!
carole x
I wasn’t thinking it was the cause of ms but a lot of us are b12 deficit. I was thinking MS takes b12 for us? As in it feeds on it?! I speak for many of us, MS is a b***h and if only they knew the cause of it to get closer to a cure. Thanks Carole. Best wishes Sam x
I have a b12 deficiency and have injections every 12 weeks
I think there maybe some connection between them. How I don’t know but a high majority seem to be b12 deficit! I wish I knew more medically
Vitamin B12 | MS Trust There we go, answered my own question, good old Google lol
Not sure why there is a link but I have normal levels of B12 and yet I have B12 injection every month for fatigue. I was given it for fatigue and even if I am a few days late getting it my fatigue gets worse. Puzzling.
That’s good the injections help sort the fatigue out. I find I suffer with fatigue when I’m due my jab plus I feel as though I’m getting a cold. The link I shared earlier say b12 helps support the myelin. I started getting the jabs because I wasn’t eating enough I ended up with steak tongue, which was sore and I kept getting oral thrush. A few weeks later I got diagnosed with HIV! Do not panic, MS and HIV are not connected. I had a cheating ex, that was the only thing he could kept to himself lol