Hi all
Im Simon, I was formally diagnosed with RRMS in July 2017 after a long and convoluted journey. I had multiple symptoms and it was all affecting me to such a degree that I couldn’t do my job anymore. Long story short, I applied for ESA, I’m still technically employed by my company (although they seem to have abandoned me, don’t respond and haven’t actually contacted me since I told them the diagnosis 6 months ago).
I have a work capability assessment on Tuesday and have to admit I’m a little concerned about it. I’m probably not alone in that as I’ve read a few of the posts on here concerning Pip assessments etc. I guess all I can do is turn up, try to explain how the condition affects me on a daily basis and what triggers a flare up of symptoms. I have supporting letters etc from Addenbrookes, my consultant and the MS team. It might sound crazy but I’ve actually come off my medication for this assessment just because I don’t want to appear too “normal” when I’m not. I fully understand the need for assessments as there are so many abusing the system. I used to work within welfare to work many moons ago so saw it on a daily basis. It just seems daft that you can have a diagnosed condition that by the governments new rules means that you won’t ever have to go for a reassessment but have to go and be assessed by someone who will have little understanding of the condition but is paid a bonus to get people off benefits. I had a phone call off the job centre yesterday, another process driven, box ticking exercise and an invitation to a meeting on Monday. When I told him I was still technically employed and the only barrier I have to work is my health condition he promptly cancelled the meeting and agreed it was a waste of time.
anyhoooooo, to summarise my rambling, hello, other than taking someone with me, understanding that I’m going to be under scrutiny for the whole time I’m there. Trying to fill in the blanks for them so they don’t have to guess and then asking for a copy of the report, anyone care to share their experiences and results?
I’m hoping I’m just overthinking it all but I’m just a born cynic!